CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal Review - Is it Worth the Hype?

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal! If you're on a keto diet or simply looking for a healthy and delicious cereal option, you've come to the right place. This 20 oz pack of CATALINA SNACKS cereal offers a mouthwatering CINNAMON TOAST flavor that is sure to satisfy your cravings without compromising your dietary goals. With its keto-friendly formula, this cereal is a perfect choice for those who want to enjoy a guilt-free breakfast or snack. In this review, we will dive deep into its features, customer reviews, and more to help you make an informed purchasing decision. So let's get started!

Product Description

The CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is a delicious and nutritious breakfast option for those following a keto or low-carb diet. With its delectable CINNAMON TOAST flavor, this cereal offers a satisfying and indulgent start to your day.

Each 20 oz box of this keto-friendly cereal is packed with wholesome ingredients that are carefully selected to meet the needs of health-conscious individuals. Made with real cinnamon, the cereal delivers a warm and comforting taste that will remind you of your favorite cinnamon toast.

One of the most important features of this cereal is its keto-friendly formulation. It is specifically designed to be low in carbohydrates, making it a suitable choice for those who are watching their carb intake. With just 4g net carbs per serving, this cereal allows you to enjoy a delicious breakfast without compromising your dietary goals.

In addition to being low in carbs, this keto-friendly cereal is also gluten-free, grain-free, and soy-free. This makes it a great option for individuals with dietary restrictions or sensitivities. It is made with high-quality ingredients that are free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

The CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal has garnered rave reviews from customers. With an impressive average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars, it is clear that this cereal is well-loved by those who have tried it. Customers praise its great taste, satisfying crunch, and ability to keep them feeling full and energized throughout the morning.

If you are looking for a delicious and keto-friendly cereal option, the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is definitely worth considering. With its mouthwatering CINNAMON TOAST flavor and low-carb formulation, it provides a guilt-free breakfast option that will keep you on track with your dietary goals.

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Pros and Cons

Pros: 1. Great taste and crunch: Customers rave about the delicious cinnamon flavor and crunchy texture of the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal. Many reviewers mentioned that it exceeded their expectations and made for a satisfying snack or breakfast option.

  1. Low in carbs: One of the standout features of this cereal is its low carbohydrate content. This makes it an excellent choice for those following a keto or low-carb diet. Reviewers appreciated the fact that they could enjoy a bowl of cereal without worrying about consuming excessive carbs.

  2. High in protein and fiber: Another advantage of the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is its high protein and fiber content. This combination not only helps to keep you feeling full for longer but also supports a healthy digestive system. Many customers mentioned that this cereal provided them with sustained energy throughout the day.

Cons: 1. Pricey compared to alternatives: Some reviewers expressed concern over the price of the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal. They felt that it was relatively expensive, especially considering the size of the product. Several customers mentioned that they found similar cereals at lower prices in stores like Costco.

  1. Limited availability: Another drawback mentioned by a few customers was the limited availability of this cereal. It may not be readily accessible in all regions, making it challenging for some individuals to purchase. This could be a potential inconvenience for those who rely on online shopping for their groceries.

  2. Language barrier in reviews: While most of the customer feedback was positive, there were a few reviews that were not in English. This language barrier may make it difficult for some readers to fully understand the feedback and make an informed purchasing decision.

Note: The pros and cons mentioned are based on customer feedback and may vary from person to person. It is essential to consider personal preferences and dietary requirements when evaluating the suitability of this product.

Customer Reviews

The CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal has received an impressive overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 453 customer reviews on Amazon. Let's take a closer look at what customers have to say about this cereal.

  • One satisfied customer mentioned, "Cereal is crunchy and has great cinnamon flavor. Love the low carbs!" They praised the texture and taste of the cereal, highlighting its cinnamon flavor and low carbohydrate content.

  • Another reviewer mentioned that the cereal may be a bit pricey, but it's worth it. They stated, "A little pricey but worth it. You don’t need much to fill you up, a cup for me usually does the trick and it fills you up for a while." Despite the higher price, this customer found that a small serving was sufficient to satisfy their hunger.

  • One customer with celiac disease appreciated that this cereal is gluten-free. They shared, "I love to just snack on this or put vanilla almond milk on them. They’re high in protein and fiber, also gluten-free since I have celiac." This reviewer found the cereal to be a tasty and nutritious option for their dietary needs.

  • The crunchy texture and delicious cinnamon flavor of the cereal were highly praised by another satisfied customer. They mentioned, "It's so good that those I gave it to asked for more. It's my favorite crunchy snack and my daughter's favorite cereal. Cinnamon crunchy goodness!"

  • While most customers were pleased with the product, one reviewer mentioned that the price is high compared to purchasing it from Costco. However, they still gave it a positive rating of 4 stars.

  • Another customer shared their excitement about receiving the cereal and immediately enjoying it with almond milk. However, they did not provide specific feedback on the taste or quality.

Overall, the customer reviews for the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal are overwhelmingly positive, with customers praising the taste, crunchiness, low carb content, and gluten-free nature of the cereal. The few concerns raised were related to the higher price compared to other retailers.


In conclusion, the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is a delicious and nutritious option for those following a low-carb or keto lifestyle. With its Cinnamon Toast flavor, this cereal offers a satisfying crunch and a great cinnamon taste.

One of the standout features of this cereal is its low carbohydrate content, which makes it a suitable choice for those looking to maintain ketosis or watch their carb intake. The high protein and fiber content also make it a filling option, keeping you satisfied for longer periods.

The positive feedback from buyers further confirms the quality of this product. Many customers appreciate the flavorful taste and the fact that a small serving is enough to keep them full. Additionally, the cereal is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities.

However, it's important to note that some buyers mentioned the relatively high price compared to other options available. It may be worth considering purchasing the cereal from a bulk store like Costco to get a better value for your money.

Overall, considering the numerous positive reviews and the benefits it offers, the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is a worthy investment for those looking for a tasty and nutritious low-carb breakfast or snack option. Its cinnamon crunch goodness is sure to satisfy your cravings while keeping you on track with your dietary goals. Give it a try and experience the deliciousness for yourself!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal really low in carbs?

    Yes, the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is indeed low in carbs. It is specifically designed for those following a keto diet or looking to reduce their carbohydrate intake. With only a few grams of net carbs per serving, it allows you to enjoy a delicious cereal without compromising your diet goals.

  2. Is the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal gluten-free?

    Yes, the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is gluten-free. This is great news for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity who often struggle to find tasty gluten-free cereal options. You can enjoy this cereal with peace of mind, knowing that it is safe for your dietary needs.

  3. How does the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal taste?

    The CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal has a delicious cinnamon flavor that many customers rave about. It provides a satisfying crunch and a hint of sweetness that will satisfy your breakfast cravings. Whether eaten dry as a snack or with some vanilla almond milk, this cereal is sure to please your taste buds.

  4. How much cereal should I eat to feel full?

    The CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is known for its filling nature. Many customers mention that a cup of this cereal is enough to keep them satisfied for a while. The high protein and fiber content contribute to its satiating effect. However, individual preferences may vary, so you can adjust the serving size based on your appetite and dietary needs.

  5. Is the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal worth the price?

    While some customers mention that the price of the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal is on the higher side, they also emphasize that it is worth it. The quality ingredients, low-carb nature, and delicious taste make it a valuable option for those following a keto or gluten-free lifestyle. Additionally, it's important to note that the convenience of purchasing it on Amazon may outweigh the slightly higher price compared to other retailers.

  6. Can I find the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal at Costco?

    Yes, some customers have mentioned that the CATALINA SNACKS Keto Friendly Cereal can be found at Costco at a cheaper price. If you have a Costco membership and prefer to buy in bulk, it might be worth checking out their selection. However, if convenience and the assurance of availability are important to you, purchasing it on Amazon can be a reliable option.

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